Mysterious chicken/duck disease

Dec 23, 2021
I'm posting this for my daughter who lives remotely without internet access. She wrote:

"Seeking ID on disease. Chickens die very shortly after beginning to display poisoning-like symptoms: full-body tremors which progress into violent tonic seizures, possible (not 100% certain) pupil dilation progressively greater difficulty breathing as nervous issues worsen, ending in sudden and abrupt death My affected hens were all alert and acting completely normal at most 5-7 hours prior to the 2 deaths. Muscovy drake started doing what I can only describe as 'trying to make himself puke'. He'd guzzle a big drink of water and then make a loud wheezing & gurgling noise while whipping his head from side to side with mouth wide open and spraying out what looked to be an awful lot of clear mucous-y looking stuff. He repeated this for hours. Eventually I started to see a little tremor show in his wings and guessed it was due to exhaustion from trying to heave up whatever was ailing him The next morning he had stopped this but, wouldn't eat for the next 3 days, just laid in the same spot for most of each day. He did drink during this time. I mashed up broad leaf plantain in his water and he regained his appetite maybe 12 hours later. He's back to normal now.
I thought they had been exposed to some sort of poison and had been keeping them penned up since I had no idea where it could have come from. I just found out that this same thing has been happening to a bunch of people in my area, and our animals do not eat the same feed, so it isn't that. It's the same outcome: the chickens that show symptoms all die shortly after, while the Muscovys are getting sick but none die to my knowledge. There has been a drought here and I have observed a lot of aerial creatures coming into the area seeking water. Were I am is very isolated from other poultry populations and I have had no contact with other poultry in months. The most likely mode of infection I can see is either via wild birds or mosquito bites transferring whatever this is.
Will try to find out if we have anyone who will perform necropsies here, and advise anyone experiencing this to submit losses to them so we can get a positive ID. In the meantime, does anyone know of a disease that fits this description? I've never seen anything like this and was shocked to find out what happened to my birds wasn't just some fluke occurrence but is a widespread issue all of a sudden."
Update this morning "It has now killed at least one adult Muscovy drake nearby."
West Nile virus is a possibility. It is spread by mosquitos and worse in drought conditions. It is spread in Summer months. Africa, Asia, North America, and Europe.

Botuslism is only a possibility if the animals are sharing the same water source.

What is she hoping to achieve in identifying the cause?

-Mosquito control (impossible in rural areas)
-Insect free poultry houses

Contact state health control board if in USA
She could also round up (capture) 10 mosquitos and put them in a tube (maybe with water or alcohol) to send the mosquitos off to a lab for testing.

I cant remember exactly the procedure, i shadowed a phd that was doing mosquito testing. I cant remember if they put them in water, alcohol, or in a dry tube. I seem to remember a liquid, but not sure. Sorry.

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