Mystery Bantams, could you give em a look see?

Flying Feathers

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Hi all! Got some bantam chicks I'm still unsure of. Any help with breed and sex (if possible) would be wonderful.

This is Stanley. I'm pretty sure he's a roo...but not sure about the breed.

Stanley's feather pattern.

Portia. Pretty sure she's a pullet, and she's booted. The rest is up for grabs.

Portia's wing feathers.

Ringo. Not sure what she is..or if she is even a she.

Head shot..a little blurry.

Ringo's wing pattern.

Dot. Super tiny. I'm hoping she's a gal. No clue what breed she is.

Dot's little face.

Dot's wing pattern.

Any help would be great and thanks in advance!
Hi all! Got some bantam chicks I'm still unsure of. Any help with breed and sex (if possible) would be wonderful.

Mottled Cochin cockerel. Pretty boy!

This is Stanley. I'm pretty sure he's a roo...but not sure about the breed.

Does she have any muffs? I would say Porcelain D'Uccle, or if she has no muffs, Porcelain booted bantam.

Portia. Pretty sure she's a pullet, and she's booted. The rest is up for grabs.

Does it seem bantam or large-fowl sized? And what type of comb does it have (can't tell from the photo)? Could be a Columbian Wyandotte, Columbian Rock, or a Light Sussex (though those usually have whitish legs, not orange like him). Not sure on gender.

Ringo. Not sure what she is..or if she is even a she.

Not sure on breed. Does look like a pullet for now, though.

Dot. Super tiny. I'm hoping she's a gal. No clue what breed she is.
Any help would be great and thanks in advance!
Thanks so much for the guesses. Ringo is bantam, very small. Looks like pea comb but it's small so I'm not sure. No cheeks on the booted bantam. Guess I should also mention that everyone except Dot is 5 weeks old. Dot is about 4 weeks.

Anyone else know what they are? I'm trying to get everyone identified so I can fill out my 'chick book' I like to keep track of them as they grow and record issues they might have and for breeding.
Here are my guesses:
Mottled Cochin
Porcelain D'Uccle (that hasn't gotten a beard yet, I have 3 Millie Fleurs that look the same in the beard dept).
Old English Game bantam maybe? A pea comb would be wrong for them, but my pullets combs are tiny when they're young.

It would really help if you could get pictures of them in better lighting. Shank color, feather color and patterns really go a long way when we're trying to identify breeds :)
I agree that Stanley is a cochin, but I'm gonna say silver laced instead of mottled. He looks just like my silver laced girl did at that age.

Portia - x2 on Porcelain d'uccle

Ringo......silver seabright?

Dot.......looks OEGB.

My guesses. Cute babies!
Thanks! Buying straight run mystery babies can be a hassle, but I love the guessing game and seeing who they become. It's very exciting!

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