Mystery Bird


In the Brooder
Jul 29, 2023

Meet Cletus!

I’m hoping you knowledgeable folks might be able to help me figure out what Cletus is. My neighbour hatched this chook and handed it off to me as I had a single hatch in my incubator and it was imprinting on me (see Beatrice, the white roo on the left… we hoped he was a she…)

So, Cletus is a mystery. We have no idea what breed it might be, and at 11 weeks is showing no comb/wattle development, no hackles, but the start of a sickle tail, so we’re at a loss for sex as well.

Any guesses?
The coloring and face remind me of an Egyptian Fayoumi. I say that with no certainty at all, as I’m new to chickens, but I thought I might give it a guess anyway just for fun :)
I say she's an Easter Egger.

Definitely a pullet! She's gorgeous!
She quickly became the favourite out of that batch of chicks. All three are super friendly and want to be held. Even if Cletus turned out to be a roo, she was going to stay in our flock for sure. Such a unique looking bird!

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