Mystery Illness? Rooster sick for months / Vet unsure


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 8, 2014
Hi everyone,

I'm new here - 'long time listener first time caller' so to speak. I've been looking at the forum for years.

In January, I started rescuing unwanted roosters. One of the birds was carrying an illness on his arrival. I will describe the history symptoms:

The rooster was 5 months old when he was given to us.
He is extremely large
The lady who surrendered him said he made 'cute little noises' - he did - he was sneezing, but we didn't actually realise that the noise he was making was a sneeze until about a day later. He is so large, that his sneeze sounded like a kind of dog-yelp.

This was in January - his symptoms were sneezing and open beak breathing, but only when it was hot.

He didn't show any sign of improvement, even after a course of antibiotics (from the vet, not store bought)

A bio-security error led to another rooster becoming ill - we *think* but don't know that he caught the illness from the big bird.

The second rooster had a week of terrible respiratory symptoms, we treated him with anitibiotics (which didn't help), it was touch and go for a while, but he pulled through. Then about a week later, he fell ill again. (Another course of antibiotics) The second time he went down gradually, over two weeks. His comb turned purple and he died. The vet did an autopsy and found a 5cm internal abscess pressing on the rooster's lungs and liver, and determined this was the cause of death. There was no evidence of respiratory illness - mucus etc.

So - back to the first sick rooster. We still don't know if he made the second rooster sick, or if it's a different thing entirely.

The big rooster is clumsy on his legs, as though his body weighs too much. He's pretty slow - easily confused - and moves clumsily, even when dropping his wing / attacking. He often shakes his head from side to side. His breathing has become more laboured, he sneezes more often and still has some clear mucus from his nostrils occasionally. He is now starting to lose his voice / crow, although he could never quite crow properly, it has gotten much worse. He also now has a hernia, from either sneezing or straining to crow.

The vet believes that he has permanent respiratory damage from a virus, and that he will slowly waste away and die, however, he has put on a lot of weight since the vet saw him. I asked the vet about getting testing done, and he felt that whatever the virus was that caused the damage is "probably long gone".

Basically, I wonder about two things:

- Is the virus gone? Is the rooster contagious? - Can anyone think of an illness that may cause these symptoms?
- Is there more we could be doing for him, because it's now May, and he's been sick for so long, still active, still aggressive, he doesn't seem to be 'fading away' at all, but his respiratory symptoms are getting worse as we move into Winter (we're in Australia)

Any thoughts / ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for reading all of this!!
Hm...interesting...What breed is your 5 months old big boy? I was thinking as I read that he sounds like a Cornish X as it gets older and needs to be butchered. The wheezing, trouble holding himself up, you said he gained a lot of weight after you got him, and he pants when its hot, he's clumsy and easily confused...Perhaps he's a half Cornish X? Something to consider...

Either that or he has an individual problem he's had coming out of the egg (brain disorder?), and he caught a little cold and has had it for a long time his immune system being too weak (inbreeding?), not able to get rid of it.

One rooster with him caught what he had, contracted it for whatever reason, and died of it..?

Thanks so much for your response.

I was thinking the same thing - about him being a broiler. The lady said the person who sold him to her as a chick said he was Sussex crossed with something else, but she had her doubts. Here's a picture of him when he was skinny. He's now much, much heavier in the chest.

Yes - we think that the other rooster caught something from him - but we can't really be sure. The fact that the second rooster died from an internal abscess after getting sick was weird - I wondered if this was something more than a respiratory disease. The other rooster didn't have any of the other weird symptoms - clumsiness, head shaking, etc.

I was inclined to think the same thing - that he's just not 'quite right' (he sometimes gets confused by his own wattles when he tries to eat...). The lady actually bought three chicks, they all turned out to be roosters, and he was the smallest and lowest in the pecking order. Her hens also 'hen-pecked' him. Despite his size, maybe he is just a runt and the other rooster died from something unrelated? But that could just be wishful thinking.

Thanks again - it's good to talk it through and get some new ideas!
He looks big! Yeah that other rooster had an If they were connected, why is big boy still alive?
When this boy dies (now or later) he might be worth sending in to a college with a good Ag program and they should be able to send you the results of why he was messed up.
He is massive! Very cute though, in a pecky / scary kind of way.

Good point about Big Boy surviving for so much longer than the other rooster - the other one (Garuda) was a strapping alpha bird, he was absolutely gorgeous and healthy, so it's so weird that he went down so fast, and clumsy not-quite-right Big Boy is just powering on for months and months.

The vet had hoped that we'd get to the bottom of it with the first autopsy, but he couldn't find anything conclusive.

At least this discussion has helped re-assured me that there's not some glaringly obvious poultry illness that we've all overlooked!

Thanks again :)
Yes definitely - I'll update with any new information, esp. autopsy results if & when we do lose him.

His voice seems to be coming back slightly, so that's an interesting development. We'll see how he goes! :)
I just thought I'd put up an update to this thread - Big Boy is still with us!
His condition hasn't declined at all, he still wheezes when he gets worked up and tires out easily (when trying to attack me, haha) but other than that, he's a happy bird, he's got his full adult tail feathers and looks quite smart. There is also a lot less head shaking / clumsiness, as though he's figured out his limits now and just takes it easy. I wonder if the vet was right when he guessed that Big Boy's symptoms were the result of permanent damage due to an illness early in life. It remains a mystery!

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