Mystery injury?


Mar 19, 2023
I don’t even know what to take a picture of to show yall so I’ll try to explain it. We went out into the yard to feed everyone and noticed Merlin, one of our Easter eggers, was just sitting off to the side of the feeding area. I didn’t think too much over it until I came back into the area and she was sitting in a different spot. I took a mental note of that being weird. As I keep doing chicken things, she doesn’t move. So I walked up to her and she let me get exceptionally close before standing and.. I’m not sure how to describe it.. crouch walking? Away from me. No limping. Just waking low to the ground with her tail pointed down. I called my husband to come pick her up. She walked away from him, but made no genuine effort to truly escape. Which is weird for her. Our Easter eggers are the least friendly of our ladies. He handed her to me and she didn’t struggle just sat in my arms and let me feel her. She doesn’t feel egg bound. Her feet are fine. Her legs feels fine. She didn’t like me probing around at her hips, but as far as I can feel.. they’re fine. We brought her inside anyway and made up the chicken hospital. When I set her inside it, she made no attempt to stand on her feet or even catch herself and instead stood on her knees. Kinda. Like not sitting down like a loaf.. just standing up but on her knees? Not sure if that’s a good description. I put water and food in with her. She hadn’t moved at all, but after a while I noticed her kinda moving the bedding around with her face so I dropped a couple dried meal worms in front of her.. she ate them. So I put her food bowl in front of her.. and she started eating. She just didn’t move at all. So she’s eating. I imagine she would drink if I put the water right in front of her. She otherwise seems alert and like herself.. lots of quiet little chicken noises. Complaining, I’m sure. Everyone else seems totally fine. Again.. no limp that I could see. She kinda almost seems a little off balance? Maybe? But there’s no strange head movements to make me think she’s dizzy. I have no idea! And I have no idea how to Google it 🤣 any thoughts would be most welcome

EDIT: Now she’s wide mouth panting. But she did drink when I put it in front of her.
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I don’t even know what to take a picture of to show yall so I’ll try to explain it. We went out into the yard to feed everyone and noticed Merlin, one of our Easter eggers, was just sitting off to the side of the feeding area. I didn’t think too much over it until I came back into the area and she was sitting in a different spot. I took a mental note of that being weird. As I keep doing chicken things, she doesn’t move. So I walked up to her and she let me get exceptionally close before standing and.. I’m not sure how to describe it.. crouch walking? Away from me. No limping. Just waking low to the ground with her tail pointed down. I called my husband to come pick her up. She walked away from him, but made no genuine effort to truly escape. Which is weird for her. Our Easter eggers are the least friendly of our ladies. He handed her to me and she didn’t struggle just sat in my arms and let me feel her. She doesn’t feel egg bound. Her feet are fine. Her legs feels fine. She didn’t like me probing around at her hips, but as far as I can feel.. they’re fine. We brought her inside anyway and made up the chicken hospital. When I set her inside it, she made no attempt to stand on her feet or even catch herself and instead stood on her knees. Kinda. Like not sitting down like a loaf.. just standing up but on her knees? Not sure if that’s a good description. I put water and food in with her. She hadn’t moved at all, but after a while I noticed her kinda moving the bedding around with her face so I dropped a couple dried meal worms in front of her.. she ate them. So I put her food bowl in front of her.. and she started eating. She just didn’t move at all. So she’s eating. I imagine she would drink if I put the water right in front of her. She otherwise seems alert and like herself.. lots of quiet little chicken noises. Complaining, I’m sure. Everyone else seems totally fine. Again.. no limp that I could see. She kinda almost seems a little off balance? Maybe? But there’s no strange head movements to make me think she’s dizzy. I have no idea! And I have no idea how to Google it 🤣 any thoughts would be most welcome

EDIT: Now she’s wide mouth panting. But she did drink when I put it in front of her.
Very strange. Maybe a hip joint issue, like at the top of her drumstick? Pain sometimes makes them pant.
Very strange. Maybe a hip joint issue, like at the top of her drumstick? Pain sometimes makes them pant.
Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s in a small space with all her needs met so maybe not having to move will help? Perhaps I’ll give her a chicken aspirin and see if that improves her mobility. I did give her some electrolytes/vitamin water as well. I hate that she can’t tell me what’s wrong 😭😭
Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ she’s in a small space with all her needs met so maybe not having to move will help? Perhaps I’ll give her a chicken aspirin and see if that improves her mobility. I did give her some electrolytes/vitamin water as well. I hate that she can’t tell me what’s wrong 😭😭
that may help. try it after the electrolyte has time to set in though. maybe in the morning. One of the worst things with pets, they can't tell us what's wrong with them. I wish I could be of more help.
that may help. try it after the electrolyte has time to set in though. maybe in the morning. One of the worst things with pets, they can't tell us what's wrong with them. I wish I could be of more help.
Well.. being here and also shrugging instead of immediately saying “oop.. that’s a sign of impending death” is helpful 🤣 I guess we’ll hope she feels better in the morning
How old is your hen @PonderingKiwi ? Has she been laying normal eggs recently? Are her toes curled under? Was she vaccinated for Mareks? Some things to check would be to feel her crop early morning before she has eaten or drunk anything. Tell us if it is empty, full, firm, doughy, or squishy. Also feel of her lower belly to see if it is enlarged below her vent. Check for any lice or mites on her skin. A picture of her may help. Poop pictures are also welcome. Offer her food and water every 2 hours. Consider making a chicken sling to get her up and to aid in feeding. Here are some examples, especially post 5, 11-14:
Alas.. there has been no change 😩
Oh i'm sorry..
Can you get a picture of how she's standing? Sounds like she maybe suffering a reproductive issue based on description.
Would be really helpful.
How old is your hen @PonderingKiwi ? Has she been laying normal eggs recently? Are her toes curled under? Was she vaccinated for Mareks? Some things to check would be to feel her crop early morning before she has eaten or drunk anything. Tell us if it is empty, full, firm, doughy, or squishy. Also feel of her lower belly to see if it is enlarged below her vent. Check for any lice or mites on her skin. A picture of her may help. Poop pictures are also welcome. Offer her food and water every 2 hours. Consider making a chicken sling to get her up and to aid in feeding. Here are some examples, especially post 5, 11-14:
All stuff we should know to help better.
How old is your hen @PonderingKiwi ? Has she been laying normal eggs recently? Are her toes curled under? Was she vaccinated for Mareks? Some things to check would be to feel her crop early morning before she has eaten or drunk anything. Tell us if it is empty, full, firm, doughy, or squishy. Also feel of her lower belly to see if it is enlarged below her vent. Check for any lice or mites on her skin. A picture of her may help. Poop pictures are also welcome. Offer her food and water every 2 hours. Consider making a chicken sling to get her up and to aid in feeding. Here are some examples, especially post 5, 11-14:
Hello. Sorry I didn’t get to this sooner. She isn’t curling her toes unless I play with her feet. We got her from the local feed store. She’s from one of the big hatcheries so idk if she’s vaccinated.

She does appear to be eating. Idk how to describe her crop. It’s squishy but not like there’s liquid in it.. I can feel what she’s been eating. It’s doesn’t feel abnormal to me but I’m not super experienced. I felt her belly.. everything seems fine there. It feels empty to me.

She doesn’t have mites far as I can tell.. but they did. We treated them all a couple weeks ago.

She pooped all over herself, but it’s solid and green and smells awful.

She won’t stand. She just lays there like the picture. Try to put her on her feet.. she just falls. Both her legs work tho. She also tries to fly away from me.

EDIT: I have attached a picture of her new situation


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