Mystery lameness


Free Ranging
17 Years
Jan 26, 2007
central Ohio
We have an 8 year old mixed breed hen, Onyx, who has turned up very lame. She has suffered from arthritis in the past year, at least I think that's what it is, because she will limp for a while and then it goes away. But this is worse. She is very lame, she can barely walk. There is no swelling, heat, wound, sign of injury, or obvious tenderness. Her claws are long and we are going to trim them this evening on the off chance that she could be stepping on them, but I don't think that's what it is. She seems quite healthy, is of good weight, has clean normal legs and feet with no sign of scaly leg. She eats and drinks well and is downright po'd about being confined.
I have been treating her with baby aspirin three times a day, and she is in a small pen so she can't jump on it, or walk around much. Today I soaked it in Epsom salts and tepid water but she hates this and does not tolerate it for very long. Have been treating her for three days and she seems slightly better, but just can't tell for sure. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome.
It sounds like you're doing good work! Prehaps it is just age or she may have pulled a muscle. Watch for more symptoms like paralysis.
We trimmed her claws but it made no difference, she is walking on her hocks. I noticed she has a weird black mark on one of her claws on her sore foot that does not look normal. I wonder if it could be some sort of infection? There's no redness or inflammation, but...
We trimmed her claws but it made no difference, she is walking on her hocks. I noticed she has a weird black mark on one of her claws on her sore foot that does not look normal. I wonder if it could be some sort of infection? There's no redness or inflammation, but...
That doesnt sound too good, I recommend taking pictures of the injury and posting them to the forum.

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