Mystery Marshmallows, Japanese Bantams


5 Years
May 10, 2014
Wright City
I picked up my order from Cackle Hatchery today. Six black tailed white Chabos!!

My question: boys or girls?

They were sold as straight runs as most chicks are. I didn't know if there was some way to tell the difference between sex early on (these are day old). They are two different colors: four are big, puffy, and yellow...... and two are small and white.

Is the difference between them sex? Are there four of one gender and two of another? Or does color not play a part?

I will say: the white marshmallows have slightly larger combs and the yellow puffy ones have similarly sized combs (if not smaller) that are well hidden by fluff.

Any clues?



(Top: two white chicks, bottom: four yellows)

My guess? Two roos and four hens. I could be very wrong...
Japenese don't have sex linkage which means you would have to wait awhile I don't think Black Tailed white is a sex-linked variety . Birds that sport a single comb (luckily these guys do) you can start to tell at the five week mark. But chances of getting both genders are good for six straight run bantams.
They are too young to sex at this point. I would suggest posting their pics again in about 5 weeks. By that time, their gender should be much more obvious. Good luck in getting pullets.
Thank you for the replies :) I will try to post more pictures when they are older. I'm crossing my fingers for at least one rooster (we have free range birds on a lot of land with about 12 hens!)
I ended up with 2 hens and 4 roos :/ luckily, I knew someone with 2 hens and was up to trading one of her hens for one of my boys. Now I have and even three and three. Very pretty birds now!

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