~* Myths Turned To Truth *~ A mythical creature and animal roleplay!

Sasha,comes apron river and feather,"hello,river,hello,feather!how
are you own this......."it started to rain,"....this rainie day?
"Hmm, I'm sure I've been here before," she said looking around.

"I'm going hunting," the flying cat said before taking off into the forest.
"Well we better leave before we run into something.." Haru paused as a loud howl rattled the forest. "Dangerous.." She added, wide eyed.


Diablo howled, he had sensed intruders in his territory. Garra joined him, and the huge beast started to stalk through the woods.
Name: Flare
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: Emotionless most times, but can burst into emotions suddenly
Powers/elements (If any): Can control fire/ heat and can fly
Species: Nightmare Pegasus
Description / picture: A pitch black pegasus with blue fire for a mane and tail and blue fire that flows from his eyes, wings, and hooves
History: As been alone all his life and lives in on a small rocky mountain with little plant life because he doesn't want to set things on fire

Name: Willow
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: A little bitter but if you get to know her she's really kind and loyal
Powers/elements (If any): can control water and ice and can fly
Species: Wolf
Description / picture: A pale icy blue wolf with aqua green wings and deep blue eyes
History: Was separated from her pack when she was just a pup and none she wanders around by herself
"Well we better leave before we run into something.." Haru paused as a loud howl rattled the forest. "Dangerous.." She added, wide eyed.


Diablo howled, he had sensed intruders in his territory. Garra joined him, and the huge beast started to stalk through the woods.

"Like Diablo and Garra? Whoever they are," she said before breaking off into a run.

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