~* Myths Turned To Truth *~ A mythical creature and animal roleplay!

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Name: Albus
Age: 580
Gender: Male
Personality: Clever, cunning, and mysterious. He's also pretty cold hearted at times, and doesn't like helping others.
Powers/elements (If any): If Albus wants to kill someone, he can kill them with simple eye contact. He can also speak to humans if he wishes.
Species: Basilisk
Description / picture: Albus is a 26 foot long black cobra with huge golden fangs and golden eyes. He has many scars, and one of his eyes is cloudy because he's half blind.

(Decided to take a few minutes to draw him. Not very good, but good enough for the main idea.)
History: Albus has had many fights with humans, but has managed to keep his existence only a legend.

(Started out with only one character, but decided to make another. :p )

Name: Conterriti
Age: 315
Gender: Female
Personality: Conterriti is secretive, sneaky, and aggressive. She only hunts and eats mythical creatures (normal animals are not good enough for her) and if you doubt her 'excellence' she'll probably kill you.
Conterriti isn't royalty, but she treats herself as such and makes sure everyone else does too.
Powers/elements (If any): Conterriti is immortal and can teleport.
Species: (I made this up) A vitamag, which is a creature (normally a wolf) that's albino and has feathered wings, and is a sign of bad luck.
They wear a chain around their neck, and usually have wounds but despite having wounds they don't behave like a wounded animal.
And no matter what kind of Vitamag they are, they have at least five tails.
Description / picture: (This picture isn't copyrighted or anything, and it's okay to use since the creator's name is on it and I'm not using it to make money.)

History: Conterriti is a legend among some cultures. She is known as the "Bad luck angel" because if you see her (and are human) you'll be cursed with bad luck for the rest of your life unless you can offer Conterriti a meal that pleases her, which is nearly impossible because the mythical creatures are usually not seen by humans, and you'll have to find her again.
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Name: Albus
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Personality: Clever, cunning, and mysterious. He's also pretty cold hearted at times, and doesn't like helping others.
Powers/elements (If any): If Albus wants to kill someone, he can kill them with simple eye contact. He can also speak to humans if he wishes.
Species: Basilisk
Description / picture: Albus is a 26 foot long black cobra with huge golden fangs and golden eyes. He has many scars, and one of his eyes is cloudy because he's half blind.
History: Albus has had many fights with humans, but has managed to keep his existence only a legend.

Feather caught a flash of black through the trees and gold through the trees. "Albus!" she shrieked with fear, "Run!"
Name: Azle

Age: Ageless, simply because he lost count.

Gender: Male

Personality: intelligent, mischievous, loner and vengeful when crossed.

Powers/elements (If any): He can control most elements. But gems are his preferred power. They call to him, so he collects them.

Species: elemental dragon.

Description / picture: 

(I drew the dragon)
History: None that he wants to reveal to anyone. Dragons tend to keeps their secrets from others.

Other: Dragons rule!

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