ohh yay i have a couple of malestic pheasants that i hatched, i was going to hold on to them i think im gonna bring one to sell, he kept me up last night crying and i dont know why.
pheasants are the worst chicks to brood if you ask me, ours are late starting to lay and thats just fine with me. they make the chicks they hatch with crazy fruits. i hate it
Still not sure If I can make Plaistow but I will be posting these up on the Milford and Merrimack thread.
I have 2 pretty Male Cockateils looking for loving homes,
I will be asking a $20..0 recovery fee for each of them. they are skittish and bite like demons when I got them but they are getting better, I dont think they were handled a lot as chicks, too bad too cause they be pretty little biters.


Yes I know they need a biggercage, this one was handy and is easy to travel with.
I'm new to BYC but just put finishing touches to chicken tractor and looking to get some chicks. I'm thinking welsummers, austrolorps, rhode island reds, buff rocks or silver laced wyandottes. Do you know if anyone there will have them

There are usually a wealth of chicks available, its hard to say what will actually be there ,

Everyone bringing chicks sound off with what your bringing please,
We have good people here and everyone pitches in to help find someone what is needed.

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