
I Got The Naked Neck Blues
10 Years
Aug 2, 2009
Ocala Fl
I really love naked necks, and i have more than just the recognized colors, my first naked necks were actually mixed colors, and i looked long and hard for the recognized colors but seems they are very rare, almost extinct.

so i started to work on them and after working hard for years seems i finally got something i can feel good about, i've shown some of them but i was the only one there and that was nice cause i always got Best of Breed (BB)

so im starting this thread to make it easier on the next person looking for this colors to show or just because they want them.

please feel free to PM me with any questions you might have.

im still working on all my colors, things that im trying to improve,one step at a time for instance

My Reds: the rooster has a nice straight comb, but the hens seem to have a comb the flap just a little to the side and im trying to improve on that.


My Whites: those are looking good, im trying to eliminate the bow tie, im still looking for a nice rooster with a double NN gene, the one i have right now is really nice,but he has a single gene, and that big bow tie really bothers me, i'll work on that and then move on to the yellowish on the cockerels saddle feathers.

My Blacks: im working on size in the rooster, the hens are actually the largest of all my nn's but the rooster is the smallest of all my males, and not to happy about that.


My Buffs: that was the first color i wanted to get, but it was the hardest to get, but finally i got a start on my own line, these are not available for sale yet, as i got my first chicks on the ground and im waiting for them to grow so that i can see what they will look like.
I have a couple of hens with my buff rock cockerel

I'll post some pics here for now but feel free, to post your own and lets get these naked necks back out to the spot light.
here's a list of Naked necks that only carry one NN gene.

this hens bowtie its a lot smaller than others and i thought she carried 2 genes, but i found out that she only carries a single gene.

now here are some with a double gene.

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thats a start first you like the pic and next thing you know you are feeding them, lol

that is a nice hen i wish i had her to peed up my project,
if there were more of us interested in the standard colors maybe we could even try to get more colors in there.

i got a really good start on my blues too,
As you might remember Nava you got Emily (my daughter) started on NN's with the white rock crosses. She still has some from the original eggs we hatched from you and one of them just did her 3rd year at the county fair and got reserve best variety one year. She has really worked hard on her whites but is now getting into the other colors because white is so hard to keep clean and for some reason she is starting to get some "dirty whites" with the lightest hint of graying in the older birds. She has some cuckoos now and we are working with the most beautiful GIANT black orpington roo that we picked up at the sunshine classic (he got BEST of variety at the fair in March). He carries black and blue gene and we have gotten both black and blue turkens from him out of our white hens. We are not trying to breed out the bow tie as we are kinda partial to it
She is also doing a lot with show girls now and was very excited to show them at county this year as well - white birds only is what is allowed in the sop.
I will try and get some pictures up later so you can see some of them :)
As you might remember Nava you got Emily (my daughter) started on NN's with the white rock crosses. She still has some from the original eggs we hatched from you and one of them just did her 3rd year at the county fair and got reserve best variety one year. She has really worked hard on her whites but is now getting into the other colors because white is so hard to keep clean and for some reason she is starting to get some "dirty whites" with the lightest hint of graying in the older birds. She has some cuckoos now and we are working with the most beautiful GIANT black orpington roo that we picked up at the sunshine classic (he got BEST of variety at the fair in March). He carries black and blue gene and we have gotten both black and blue turkens from him out of our white hens. We are not trying to breed out the bow tie as we are kinda partial to it
She is also doing a lot with show girls now and was very excited to show them at county this year as well - white birds only is what is allowed in the sop.
I will try and get some pictures up later so you can see some of them :)
that is great news, tel her we are proud of her.

some judges like the bow tie some dont, so im just going with what i like the most.

but they are are pretty. pics would be great!!!!!

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