name suggestions!!!

I need names!! we are going to name one of our chicks clover, but the other one is still name less! we want naturey names so If you have any ideas please let me know!
I like the idea of naming her after your favorite season.
Summer, fall, winter, spring
Or maybe a time of day.
Dawn, daybreak, daylight, twilight, dusk, midnight, etc
Clover and Violet? Clover and Trefoil? (another name for clover plants) Clover and Trinity? I also liked the Clover and Crimson suggestion. And if u r into really cute names, Clover and Sweetpea as those are 2 nice spring plants.
I named my last six after flowers. Pansy, Petunia, Tulip, Zinnia, Daisy and Daffodil.... now I have a rooster with the girly name Daffodil but he doesn't seem to mind.
I like to name my chickens after songs so I can sing a song to them, I named one hen Enid, because I like the song "I can't help myself, I love you and nobody else." I thought the singer said "Enid of my life" But he sang "In and out of my life." Enid stuck though. I am Eyeballing another tune for a rooster. "Do-lang" From the he is so fine song.

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