Name the eggs! Choose your baby to root for!

We did it with three weeks difference so it might work, but you need an area where these nuggets get their 90F the first week and your others have a way to get away from it.
I am hoping to have them outside by time the eggos hatch. They will be about 6 weeks old by then and it gets cool at night, but I was thinking of putting something in the chicken run/coop for them. Idk whether a heating pad will work or if I still need a brooder lamp style thingy.
I am hoping to have them outside by time the eggos hatch. They will be about 6 weeks old by then and it gets cool at night, but I was thinking of putting something in the chicken run/coop for them. Idk whether a heating pad will work or if I still need a brooder lamp style thingy.
We were using a Cozy Coop flat panel heater for our younger ones at night. Those are nice because they can lean right up to it if they're cold, and they're very safe.
I usually get rid of clears and gutters on lockdown day unless they smell
So candle just to stare at them? Bc I try not to candle more than once a day lol. So hard to not wanna stare at them in there. I also try not to keep my incubator open for more than 5 minutes? Idk if there is a set time and all. I am so happy to have one with humidity showing now. Before it was a wild guess. I did slightly panic when the humidity dropped from 53 to 45 this morning. Granted it was 10 hours. My son "checked" it. Not trusting him much anymore lol. I did get it back up to 54% within the hour though.

What humidity is too high or low? I read somewhere 50-55% is good until lockdown and then increase it to 65%?

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