Name the eggs! Choose your baby to root for!

No. It's recessive. But even if she has silkied feathering, it doesn't mean she's pure silkie. Case in point my girl, Ursula
Lol. Maybe! Wonder what breed they are. Mostly yellow with a spot or two of black. With two roosters around already, idk if keeping more roosters is a good idea. Right?

I kept 2 bantam roosters in a flock with 36 hens. It only worked because both were extremely docile and the head hen was a Jersey Giant who tolerated no crap.

My current flock has 22 hens/pullets and 6 additional pullet chicks. My current cockerel was bought as a pullet. He is the only male.

I would say no to adding more males unfortunately.

My boy Quin.

@2ndTink did you see the picture of the fully black one? Posey? (I still want a more majestic name for an all black bird).

Do you see silkie in there? I hope I have one silkie.
How about Duchess?

I named my midnight maran that, she's all black fluffy feathers with feathered feet, and I decided that would look like an elegant black ball gown. ( :idunno my imagine sometimes LoL)
But the name fits, she's the most elegant looking girl out there. Oh and she's the most demanding one too "where are my grapes? gripe grumble gripe!" 🤣

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