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Question, is it normal for a medium to heavy foot feathered birds to have issues with curled toes? My blue cochin cockerel has curled toes on one foot. He did not have this when he was a chick. I can uncurll the toes easily with no resistance. I figure I can make him a boot to correct it.
Vitamin B2 deficiency will cause curled toes in adult chickens, chicks too. I'd suggest some Poultry Cell be added to the diet regularly for a few weeks, then back down to a couple times a week.
Vitamin B2 deficiency will cause curled toes in adult chickens, chicks too. I'd suggest some Poultry Cell be added to the diet regularly for a few weeks, then back down to a couple times a week.
Will rooster booster work for this? He is the only one out of 50+ that has this issue. He's also only one out of nine featherfooted birds I have that has the issue. 🙁
Will rooster booster work for this? He is the only one out of 50+ that has this issue. He's also only one out of nine featherfooted birds I have that has the issue. 🙁
It usually is just one individual bird that has a problem with absorption or the synthesis of certain vitamins and minerals. Rooster Booster is ok, the levels of nutrients aren't all that high, and I think there is too much salt to use long term but it will do in a pinch. For long term help you should try and get some Poultry Cell. Chewy carries it here...

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