name your highschool crush *Look on top of page 6 for new info*

she wasn't taking names........................
I met my hubby when I was a sophomore, he was in his 20's and I was barely 16....worse then the age difference is the fact that he was also my boss. He was fresh out of the Marine Corps and full of attitude. My folks hated him, especially when we announced our impending parenthood while I was a Senior. We had a happy ending though, my son is now 22 and we are still happily married with three "kids" Our youngest will turn sweet 16 in two weeks. I just turned 40 so I will be a young grandma if any of them decide to have kids soon.

Oh..and my folks like him now. whew!
I (along with the rest of the girls in the entire school) had a major crush on Shannon. He exceled at Football, basketball, track, etc.... and I am not into athletics/jocks, what have you, so it was really weird. He is now playing for a semi pro football team here, lol!

I also had a crush on Christian, he was a foreign exchange student from Germany. And then, of course, my husband David, who was a Senior when we met and started dating. I was a junior.
Kathleen... from Elementry
Sherry... from Elementry
Kristine... from Jr. High
Rena... from Jr. High... (I told her at our 40th reunion)

Mary Kay...from High School
Donna... (up for the summers only)
Penny... from Home room in High School... (although she never knew it).

Pebbles... (while working at summer camp)
Diane... about the time I graduated HS

Gosh, I don't remember being that busy

Never met my DW until I was 40 something.........

Now I have a crush on my chickens....

He was my HS sweetheart. We broke up after graduation. 10 years later found each other again, and been married for 15 yrs, and have 3 kids.
Hmmmm, I am only in Junior High, but.....
I had some since preschool, but here are ''some''
5th grade-Samuel, a rich Romanian
Also in the past,
Braison Cyrus [fav]
Ryan Sheklar
and more.....

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