Nankin Bantams


6 Years
Aug 15, 2014
We just got a new chicken coop and my mom and I ordered more chicks... Our coop can fit around 20-22 chickens and I think we're at 18 right now (5 chicks coming next week and 5 in October plus the 6 chicks we have) but my dad really wants some Nankin Bantams after seeing them in Colonial Williamsburg. We have enough space for 3/4.
What are they like and where would we be able to find some? I've really struggled being able to find info about them much less a place to get them from. I believe Williamsburg's conservation program (for the chickens) has some level of public interaction but I'm not sure how it works exactly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! (Not my picture, just for anyone who's never seen them and were curious what they looked like).

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