Nasty stuff from behing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
Central VA
This morning one of my hens had a long string of something white coming from vent area; maybe some blood on it too or poop. She did not seem to be in distress, looking normal in every other way. I have been finding a 'soft' egg 1-2 times each week for the past three weeks. All the others look OK; any ideas of what this is and what I should do about it? It looked really gross. I also noticed that another hen is having loose droppings (they are both white P Rocks and so it is easy to notice).
Please share your advice as this is very disturbing!
Whenever something unusual happens that you want to ask about, something like that... it's best to go out and take a picture of it, let us see what you are talking about.... upload and post it (there are instructions on how to do that here on the site as well).
Did you remove it? Look up and search here, "Prolapse", there might be a post with pictures, and certainly will be descriptions.
How old is the hen -- usually young new layers have these soft eggs and other issues until they get more experience and time laying... keep an eye on all your new layers.
Best of luck.

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