Native American Heritage Anyone?

This is a very interesting letter that was written by a doctor who worked in 1943 in The Virginia of vital statistics. This was in 1943 , not 1843. He is concerned about blacks and mulattoes and melungeons trying to pass as white and obtain documents that classified them as white. He said that these "mongrels" were breaking the law and warned of punishement for those trying to "break the law" This is not exactly genealogy, But trust me you will want to read this---Wayne

If you think that was bad read this one about forced sterilization
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My daughters go to an orthodontist who asked about Indian ancestry as soon as he saw their teeth. They have Cherokee on their father's side. He said they don't have typical Cherokee dental structure. I didn't tell him I have Indian blood on my side but he looked at my teeth and said that I do, but not Cherokee. And he's correct. It's Yaqui: Mom's family is from AZ.

He said after you've looked at teeth for a long time you can tell, because different tribes have different 'dental signatures' (his words).

Vary interesting. How do Cherokee's teeth differ from other Native American tribes?

I'm not sure. He got into terminology that I didn't understand after a bit. And he wanted to straighten my teeth, too. At $5000 per child (2) I said I'd wait until their braces were paid off...
I belong to the Tribe of Mic O Say, does that count

Actually my son is native american, on his fathers side. Me I'm just German/Irish.

Gma's last name- O'Malley (don't get more Irish than that)
Gpa's-Kanies (simplfied down)
I am officially Choctaw (traced to a roll # [my maternal great grandmother] and I have a CDIB) and unofficially (because I haven't proven it yet) Cherokee from my paternal side and possibly my maternal Grandfather.
From what I can gather...dh's paternal grandmother is Choctaw but he is estranged from that side of the family. He'd love to know more about them but we don't have much information.

And presently we have 2 young daughters...both of whom came out darker than me....german, swiss, french, dutch...

Try contacting the program listed on this website . They may be able to help you.

The Oklahoma Choctaw Nation's tribal headquarters is located in Durant, Oklahoma: . There is also a Choctaw tribe in Mississippi: .

I'm a member of the Oklahoma Choctaws, my tribal ancesters were part of the group that walked the Trail of Tears all the way into Oklahoma from the east coast.
smile.png one time dh did contact choctaw nation in Oklahoma and i think they needed a bit more information?? I can't really remember what came of it?

We have his dad's name and that's about it and that he originated from Texas...can only guess his age.

In one search dh came up with 8 or 10 pages of ALL the people with that name or variations of that name and just in Texas, assuming he's still there?! I think he chickened out and didn't call a one.

Don't remember if his Grandma had the same name or not? History of broken who knows?

But I know dh longs to have contact with his father and that side of the family. He was 2yrs. old last time they had contact.

Any of you guys ever find out any more about your heritage? Since I was on this thread I've made significant gains on my family line. Although I haven't made any concrete connections to my native heritage. Have found a lot of unknown information about my family and it is so exciting. I hate that this thread dwindled away , as it was so informative and fun!!

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