Natural cat litter in coop?

No, they have a run...only a couple seem to hang out inside. The rest only come in to lay eggs.
Then sit with them outside where the fresh air will help reduce the dust you are exposed too.

You aren't going to have a dust free coop. Not going to happen. Chickens are dusty. They dust bathe. They scratch in the dirt and kick up dust. They have naturally occurring dander.
Yea I hate to say it but I think you are finding out the hard way that no matter what you use you are going to have dust.

Can you get a picture of what the outside looks like? Are you sure you have enough ventilation in there?

I noticed you figured out that your ramp was too steep at first and you raised it a little. Are they using the ramp now? Because it might still be a little bit too steep.

When you said that you and your grandson get in the coop, do you mean inside that little area were the chickens are pictured in the sand?
I just find it hard to believe that there isn't at least a dust free bedding option. There is a fan running 24/7, 2 windows and a door that I leave open when I can. They have always used the ramp fine, but I did lower it from the original height. The ridge cap is also completely open from one end of the building to the other. It is a 10x20 building. A shed that we converted, so not exactly small, but yes, we sit in there with them on a stool.
Your coop is very nice but I see a lot of dust collectors-if you are bothered by dust it will drive you mad trying to keep it clean. Maybe remove the intricate decorations and go for flat decor that can get a quick wipe down.
Your chicken coop is adorable BUT all those decorations are dust magnets. Get rid of the curtains, wall hangings etc.
I don't think I saw anyone mention using just a bare linoleum flooring. I mean it would be to most dust free to maybe pine. Clean up...I don't want to go there. But I have seen where people do it. Why...haven't a clue. Seems silly to me. 🙃
Seriously speaking...maybe consider doing what I do with sand dust issues. I lightly mist it before cleaning.
Like everyone has will never have dust free...they are a bird..all birds are 'dusty'..
Hope you find a solution!
Because it is so bad I can't enjoy being with them or take my grandsons in the coop. It is like baby powder on everything.
I get chickens are my babies and me and the grandsons love hanging out with them in the run. My daughters are ok with the dirt and dust that comes with us going down there and I sanitize their hands, they each have chicken shoes they wear, then scrub their hands once we are back in the house.
I use Sweet PDZ and Stall (something) inside the coop. But we don't sit in there...we just sit in the run where the air is much better and not nearly as dusty.

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