NC meet-up?


11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Bolton, NC
Just wondering if anyone wanted to meet-up this year in the NC/SC area...I live near Wilmington
would be glad to meet and greet with you and yours, i live in graham, nc, but we ( wife and granchildern) come to carolina beach a hole lot in summer. OH HI i am william
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could be to meet/ sale / trade and just get to know faces with names. blueoval1 what part of raleigh do you live in, i live about one hour away, in between graham, nc and siler city, nc
I was born and raised in that area, and lived on South Main in Graham for a lot of years.
Went to Southern High a couple of years, but finished at Graham High.
I live about 150 miles East of there now.
went to southern high also, and my father was a teacher at graham high, auto mech ( the late Tommy Willoughby) it is so nice to meet people that know where you live on here. i grew up on rogers road, after the 2nd brige, 2nd house on right
Great to meet all of you. I'm in eastern NC. Washington, NC Hey William sounds like we have a lot in common. Thanks for your words in my little life history note. I hope you do well and I am keeping your address handy and will email you soon. Just took meds so I am signing off. Hope to sleep a little. I would like to meet some of you. swampgirl is having a swap in march 22nd. Look her up and maybe those of us close can do some chicken trading. Later everyone. Dave in Washington, NC

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