NE Oklahoma Chicken Stock - Let's Plan!

yes i will have some bantam blue frizzel cochins

Blue frizzle cochins!?
I can settle for blue. Definitely. :) How old are they, how much money should I bring? I have a Buff bantam cochin trio and a black silkie hen she'll be living with. That should work, right? Oh, I wonder what color buff over blue will make.
Joe, that looks like a full sized Cochin, is it? Will you have any LF Cochin hens????
(Not neccessarily frizzles but any LF Cochin hens at all)

Oh believe me-I'm seriously considering it
Now, Ksane, just save me one little blue cochin frizzle hen! Just one! Okay? I promised my husband that this time, this time I really mean ONLY ONE CHICKEN! (And besides he's the one who suggested a mated pair last time. I just had to convince him that a trio or quad would be better on the hens. :D
rofl! Lucky for me and you it's only the standard sized ones I'm interested in :-D
I have a 5 wk old Black Cochin Bantam I'm looking for a home for (he's free). He came from the same lady your buffs came from (MJ). Do ya want him??
rofl! Lucky for me and you it's only the standard sized ones I'm interested in :-D
I have a 5 wk old Black Cochin Bantam I'm looking for a home for (he's free). He came from the same lady your buffs came from (MJ). Do ya want him??

No, sorry. I bet he's gorgeous, but I can only have one rooster in each enclosure. And if I start building one more chicken pen this year, my husband will be so frustrated.
VILLAMIL FARMS will also be bringing

LF blue cochin hens and pullets

here is a pic of one of the blue frizzel chicks

i will be bringing polish juvinils and chicks

a pair of colubian NNs

How does this work? Do we reserve birds ahead of time? Pay for them ahead of time or is it an auction situation? Do we just hope we get there 1st?
Not understanding how it works.
Because I reeeeaaaally want a couple Blue Cochin hens and I know 1/2 the people here do, too. And that's not even counting the people who'll be there who arent on the list. So how does it work?
How does this work? Do we reserve birds ahead of time? Pay for them ahead of time or is it an auction situation? Do we just hope we get there 1st?
Not understanding how it works.
Because I reeeeaaaally want a couple Blue Cochin hens and I know 1/2 the people here do, too. And that's not even counting the people who'll be there who arent on the list. So how does it work?
Yeah, what she said! :) (Blue cochin bantam frizzle hen!)(Or red. I'd take red.)
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I have changed my mind. I will get a table and I will have some Dominique hatching eggs and hopefully some day old buff bantam cochin chicks and some silkie cochin cross day olds there, depending on how the hatch does. In the words of a friend of mine: bantam cochins and silkies are broody machines, and if you cross the two of them, you get an ugly mutt that can hatch a chick from a rock.
How does this work? Do we reserve birds ahead of time? Pay for them ahead of time or is it an auction situation? Do we just hope we get there 1st?
Not understanding how it works.
Because I reeeeaaaally want a couple Blue Cochin hens and I know 1/2 the people here do, too. And that's not even counting the people who'll be there who arent on the list. So how does it work?
Send a PM to the person who has what you want. Agree on a price. Send a message to the seller the day before N.E.O.C.S. to remind him/her of your arrangement. Pay for your birds at N.E.O.C.S. That's the way I've pre-sold or arranged sales before an event. If folks have an easier way, please post it for others.
I have changed my mind. I will get a table and I will have some Dominique hatching eggs and hopefully some day old buff bantam cochin chicks and some silkie cochin cross day olds there, depending on how the hatch does. In the words of a friend of mine: bantam cochins and silkies are broody machines, and if you cross the two of them, you get an ugly mutt that can hatch a chick from a rock.
Traci - Look at the barn map and pick out a space and let me know the space number so I can reserve it for you.

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