Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!


Free Nebraska's rooster bought this year at TSC bought them along with my hens not knowing she was a he
Private message me

Those pictures you posted are very very nice. Especially those show girls, I had never
seen anything like them.

The 5 babies I bought from you are doing great.
They eat constantly which is good.

Good to hear. Ours are pigs too, when they all get in the food dish and start kicking its hilarious. It turns into a race to see who can scatter the most grub.

I will hopefully have several extra pullets incase you need to trade me a rooster. Just send me a message.
Good to hear. Ours are pigs too, when they all get in the food dish and start kicking its hilarious. It turns into a race to see who can scatter the most grub.

I will hopefully have several extra pullets incase you need to trade me a rooster. Just send me a message.
Truly the only thing they do all day is eat. Getting too big for their little brooder.
The chicks are going to the pool today. That is a small baby swimming pool with room for them to
explore.So graduation day.
I will put limbs and rocks for them to hop on and to get exercise.
And they will see more.
Truly the only thing they do all day is eat. Getting too big for their little brooder.
The chicks are going to the pool today. That is a small baby swimming pool with room for them to
explore.So graduation day.
I will put limbs and rocks for them to hop on and to get exercise.
And they will see more.

I'm glad to hear they went to a good home. The batch we hatched before your birds are very active at attempting to learn to fly. It looks like a winged NASCAR race. Next move for them is our 4x8 brooder box.

My wife loves to hear from our buyers. The updates keep her motivated. Thanks!
Figured I throw this out here, we have a few birds that need to go.

First, is 2 Rouen duck hens. One year old, great layers.

Next is a pair of black showgirls. These were hatched by us last spring and produced babies last month. The hen is currently a broody psycho.

Message me for more details.
Hi mg,
I have normal regular cactus that I use grow lights for in the winter and I also have hardy cactus that live outside that come from northern New Mexico and Colorado. I have 5 and Ill see how we like it and if we do as expect then we'll bump up to 8 next year. I have a Partridge Cochin, Buff Cochin, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Black Autralorp, and a R I Red


Thanks for the cactus info. Never have been able to keep a cactus alive. I just always had the little ones like a golf ball size, they died, I gave up.
I learn so much from this site.

I also have Black Australorpe and did have a silver laced Wyandotte.
And almost a full breed RIR.

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