Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Where is the best place to get chicks from? Preferably within driving distance (2hrs) from Omaha or a low shipping fee? I really don't want to spend $40 on shipping. I really only want 6-12 chickens. Any help would be appreciated!
" broody old hen" .......
Yes, that would be called a Grandma. !
aahhaa, just kidding.

My older girls are not broody, BUT I have the most wonderful broody indoor house chicken a Japanese Bantam.
If you ever want to try an indoor house hen, my experience so far is the Japanese Bantam. She has, as of now
raised up three or four clutches of adopted eggs. Once they go broody sure is hard to get their mind to switch over.
But she is a good girl and a little meat and crackers can interest her.
But she wouldn't be for sale.... Unless of course, you happen to have an extra one. I'll keep my eyes peeled..
My husband has this app also. He's been reading a lot of conflicting posts about insulating the coop. I'm just wondering what thoughts are on this?

I use our old barn for a winter coop. It is not insulted and no heat source. But it has plenty of ventilation, and the birds can find nice draft free places to roost. That is really key, your birds can handle the cold as long as they are dry, the coop has low humidity, and can stay out of the wind. I personally would not insulate your coop, just make sure your humidity is low and they are out of the wind.

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