Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Ok, enough already!! 17 degrees below zero this morning
and now it's up to a whopping **1** degree!
Wake me when spring comes!!
Hi Jenny!

We're freezing cold this morning, it was -18 when I woke up, thank goodness there is almost no wind but we were supposed to have some (something to be very thankful for)

I'm SO looking forward to next week, our temp on Tuesday is supposed to get up to 40

I hope we're over the worst of winter, and can start creeping back up out of the freezer.. I don't think I can take much more of this!
I hope this weather clears up soon, I'm going a little stir crazy being snowed in. Haven't been to work in 2 days and the last time it was 5 days!
Wildsky - We're are going to be -24 tonight. We are also forecasting 40 next week but I just don't see how that will happen with all of the snow on the ground! I did end up putting a heat lamp out in my coop last night - it is way too much light though - I'm not sure how they are going to handle it - too much light or freeze to death - I don't know what to think - I have to shovel a path every time I go out there (at least twice a day) - I am going to freeze to death! Nebraska - can't live here - can't get out
I drove through the plowed out middle of a 10 foot snow drift between fields this morning. It was amazing!!! I decided I couldn't spend one more day home with my kids - I had to get out! My husband told me last night he would divorce me if I had anymore kids or let the chickens in the house (which is what I was thinking of doing last night

Happy Friday everyone!

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