Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Thank you so much!! Its so nice to hear others appreciate them as much as I do. I get to spend most of the day today outside getting the barns ready for them. As you have experienced, one day the sun is out and the next....blizzard!
I'm just outside of bellevue. So close their code enforcement people occasionally show up. Of course, they think they own 2 miles outside city limits, so close is relative. We have less than a dozen birds on 3 and a half acres. Poor things can't even keep up with bug patrol with this small a force.
By the way...what ever happened with the Bellevue chicken drama? I thought I heard they banned the chickens is this right?
The politicians involved have been somewhat duplicitous. The matter isn't settled quite yet, but last I saw they were making a very false attempt at legalizing them. They plan to place such onerous restrictions that chickens are illegal in all places but a few farming lots that happen to fall inside city limits. Those folks will then have a limit of only a few birds, no roosters, with huge living accomodations and perpetual confinement. On top of all of this, there will be registration/licensing fees and mandatory inspections of your property (undefined, I noted, during the proceedings and could be construed to mean your home as well).

Perhaps it's time for a resurgence of the bellevue population of rare Peruvian Ground Parrots. They look just like silkies, but they haven't put a restriction on them yet.

On another note, the actual terms of the law in place now that is being used to ban chickens dictates that no animals but cats or dogs are pets. All of those poor kids with fish, budgies, turtles or any other crawly thing are breaking the law. Bellevue seems happy to collect taxes on the sale of them, though.
Nebraska folks! I need a new rooster to combat inbreeding. My current rooster is a very good boy, but hes the son of one of the older girls. He's also the father of 4 of the younger girls. That leaves not many older ones and a scared little bantam as viable mates. I'd like an araucana or brahma, but i'll not turn up my nose at other offers. Or, if anyones planning to make an order from Welp, Ideal or McMurray, let me know! I'd love to go in with the order.
Oh, where were you three months ago?
I had 2 extra EE roosters that were residing at my in-laws. I had no takers around here. No one wanted them even for free. Last time time I was out to the farm and in the coop, they were gone. I'm sure they went to the coop in the sky via the chopping block.
Just thought I'd drop in and say hi to all those from Nebraska as I am new to this site...I'm a bit north and east of Lincoln. It's good to see so many people interested in poultry.

I thought I'd also put out there that there will be a one day poultry show in Scribner, NE with the Cornhusker Poultry Club, April 23, 2011. The show books are going to be printed up and sent out soon with much more information. If you are interested let me know and can get a book sent out to you.
As far as roosters go, I have a big black orpington. Not sure how nice he is, so far I think he has been good to the girls and hasnt attacked us, but I must admit his father was a brat, so was grandfather, but great grandpappy was a doll.
Also have a black cross between an orp and standard brahma and a blue same cross.

Gilavina, welcome to BYC. I would be interested, a bit far from me but depends on the weather. I would love a book.

Anyone know when the Palmyra auction is?

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