Nebraskans Speak Up!!! NEBRASKA ROCKS!!

Well, its official, my little leghorn hates me now after doing bumble foot surgery on her and having to check and rewrap every day. She sees me coming and just bolts off under the shed. Poor girl.
awww..... I'm sure once she realizes she is getting around so much better without pain or difficulty that she will calm down. Treats never hurt either.
My birds go crazy for cold watermelon chunks in this heat!

Oh...and you've got some quality poultry and waterfowl breeders up your way too! lucky you! There is also a poultry show up in scribner this coming year not far from you at all!
I'm south of you about 45 to 50 min or so as well!
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When is the show in Scribner? I would love to go, even though we are basically full, for the size of our coop, it would be nice to see all the different breeds.
The show in Scribner runs at the end of April, so it won't be for a while yet, but if you ever get down to lincoln they have the other poultry club's show at the lancaster event center at the beginning of November. Its a good time going to the shows. there are always lots of breeds to see and lots of people to talk to about things. Its also a good way to meet up with people from on here when you run across them.

What all do you have for breeds?
We just got word today that my wife is being reassigned to Columbus Nebraska. As we both grew up in Nebraska and our family is up that way, we are very excited. I am going to sell off my flock and coops so I won't need to worry about transporting them and caring for them while we house hunt.

If there is anyone in that area who can point me to a rural house for rent, I'd give you all my chickens.... for realz.
Hi people from Nebraska

Question about the flooding:

My boyfriend works for FEMA and is currently on stand-by for Nebraska, however, he won't be deployed until the flood waters recede. Anyone have any idea how long they're saying that will be?

Depending how long he's down there, I may be coming to the state for a visit as well.
Hi All,

Long time no post. I hatched eggs from thndrdancer this spring for our local community garden in Omaha. We had some roosters (obviously) and most of them became dinner for our weed and feed Wednesday nights. We are looking for a home for one...this guy is the last, and the sweetest roo. He really takes care of his gals. He is BBS Orp, and does not have a perfect comb. He has double spikes on some of his comb spikes and I know that may not be desirable for those who are breeding. However, if you have a flock that needs a good roo, or just want one...he is a big boy and gem. His tail isn't completely filled in yet, and I expect he will be gorgeous when it does. Here are some pics. Let me know ASAP if you are interested otherwise he may meet the same fate as his brothers since we are about sustainable gardening.




Hi all,
Dwegz, sorry I forgot to respond about the rooster. He looks like a nice boy, not sure where the double pointed combs came from, I havent noticed any of my boys that have that. My roosters and it looks like this one is too is developing the rust very badly when exposed to sun.

My Big Daddy didnt have that, never did develop it, he was SUCH as pretty rooster but the progeny down the line have. Of course he didnt make it over 9 months. Hope you dont have to eat him but that is the way of things.

I have a friend who wants to give away 2 Polish roosters, nice boys but she lives in town and cant keep them. I have too many the way it is! I have lost almost all my birds to a fox and or bobcat. Had 30 chickies and am down to 4.
He is bold, even striking while I am home and between rounds of the coop. Pretty sure its the fox, think she has younguns. Even went into the pens and cornered some chicks one day. Unreal.

Oh, for the folks asking about the floodwaters, as far as I have heard it will be awhile, they are still releasing water up at Gavins Point and interstate still closed for a very long stretch. I havent seen it but it must be amazing to actually flood the interstate, as its quite a bit higher than a lot of the access ramps that I would understand closing. I think they told residents of some of the towns it will be late Sept/early Oct before they can even think about going home. Sad.
Cool! Finally found people in Nebraska!

We moved here from northern IL the first week of this past May. Bought the house almost a year ago. My bf has most of his family out here, and since the first time he brought my daughter and I here, my daughter and I wanted to stay. 5 years later, without my daughter, we finally moved out here. lol
Gotta say I LOVE the storms, sunsets, and land out here. I can do without all the bugs and Monster mosquitoes, though. lol
We're located in south central NE, between Oxford and Beaver City.

We've never had chickens until after our first week here. We now have 9. 4 of which are banty roos, 1 banty pullet, and 4 standard pullets.
Next year we want to add a few more standard breed pullets, try a turkey, and maybe have a couple ducks.

We moved in with our Chihuahua (just turned 1 yr old), 2 indoor cats, a ferret, and a pet rat. My horse was picked up the end of Dec and has been living with my bf's cousin's horses, a few miles down the road.
A couple months ago we adopted a 6 month old JRT (maybe a mutt, not sure) from the animal shelter in Kearney. Having a JRT has been interesting .. to say the least!

I look forward to reading posts from the same state! And hopefully get a heads up on some poultry trade shows, auctions, or whatever within a few hours or so away .. we're always interested in going somewhere, even if it's just to look.
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