neck feathers gone

did they get pecked out? do you have a picture?
They should grow back in, unless its a Necked Neck.

she usually holds her head back alittle to cover her bare neck. she is kinda the stepchild of the flock. will it grow back?
that kinda looks like a turken in which case no the feathers will never grow as that breed doesn't have feathers on their necks really
It's impossible to say without knowing how she came to have the bare patch. If she's never had feathers there, I wouldn't expect any to sprout. If they are gone from some sort of injury that scarred the skin and damaged the follicles, they won't grow back. If they were plucked because she's being picked on or over-mated, they will grow back if she's separated from the ones pulling her feathers. If they're gone because she's molting, they'll grow back soon.

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