Neck Issues and horrible diarrhea! What is this?


12 Years
Sep 1, 2011
Graham, WA.
We came home from vacation. Neighbors were watching our critters. I noticed one if my hens didnt come in to roost. I found her curled up outside the coop under a bush. It was pretty obvious she wasn't gonna make it much longer.
I checked her for bugs found no signs.
Her neck was twisted (Wry Neck ?) But I dont think broken.
She had horrible smelling diarrhea all over her bottom.
I checked for maggots or fly strike but didn't find any.
She had no wounds.
The hens were wormed in April before I got them. She is a new layer.
So im worried now. I have had a few hens with a sligh messy bottom. Nothing like this.
So any insight would be appreciated.
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Not sure on the poop, but that looks like wry neck. It can be caused by disease, injury, or lack of vitamins (especially vitamin E). You may want to find a fortified food for them all in case others are having the same problem with vitamins. Hopefully somebody more knowledgeable about the poop will reply soon.
Thos are the only ones I have. Sorry they are not better.
Yes she did pass away about an hour after I found her.
The poop was watery, green, and had small chunks of yellowish material (kind of looked like cooked egg white but yelllow)
At first I thought she had an egg laying issues like one broke inside or something. Then I noticed her neck.
im just concerned it could be a flock illness an not just one hen.

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