Necropsy - **GRAPHIC pictures** - diagnosed! Ovarian cystadenocarcinomas

This is what I think internal laying looks like:

This is a hen that was walking like a penguin, breathing hard and she died while I was trying to drain the fluid.

This one died from EYP.


Note the dark coloration that was present *before* her death.

This picture shows her normal colored leg and her necrotic abdominal cavity.

Normal color breast meat, what there is and very prominent keel.

This is about where I found the egg, but it wasn't in the reproductive tract as I guess that had the entire tract had turned necrotic and disappeared some time ago.

The rotten soft-shelled egg from May.

Close up of the large intestine.

On the left is a mature yolk, middle are smaller ones gone hard and rotten, right is the egg from May.

Same bits as above.

Nasty, smelly, necrotic mess!

Contents of yolk and egg.
I'm guessing ovarian adenocarcinomas(cancer)based on grape like clusters and the fact they were heavily interlaced with connective tissue,were clusters filled with yellow fluid?
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I have no idea what it is as it doesn't look like anything I've seen. Will be interesting to see what the Dr. says.


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