Necropsy on Laying Hen

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you. Me too!

I did think she had a lot of fat deposits. I watched Cornell's poultry necropsy on youtube before and while I was doing this and their bird definitely had less fat.

We feed them a whole grain diet, 17-18% protein. Scratch at night when we lock them up. They occasionally get scraps of tomatoes, lettuce, etc, and when we go through the compost 1-2 times per week they fight over soldier fly larvae and beetles. Free range on 4 acres.
Whole grain diets can be a real problem, at least for some individuals, who decide to eat the yummiest bits and leave the rest. It's a known problem in birds, especially pet birds, and pet rodents. That's why the pelleted diets can work much better!
Scratch adds more fat too.
Maybe relevant, and maybe not.
As an aside the office of the state vet is closed now because of coronavirus (Oregon). If you have a concern that an individuals mortality is linked to something that will take out the flock and can convince a private vet to declare your flock an emergency, the state vet will deal with it. Otherwise...

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