Necrotic tissue??


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2023
Hello my 1 year old bantam rooster had a nasty mite infection which left him with what seems like dead skin surrounding his vent. Any recommendations on how to treat and clean it? Thank you!


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It doesn't look too bad. Have you rid him/his environment of mites? That would be my first order of business.

For him, I would cleanse it with clorhexidine (you can get it most anywhere) - be cautious with it - it is sold super concentrated. You will have to dilute it before you use it. I would flush his vent area with this, pat it dry with a soft tissue and then put a nice layer of triple antibiotic ointment on it. You can use an off brand or you can use neosporin - just make sure it does NOT have pain reliever in it.

The clorhexidine has antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, so a good all around cleanser.

Keep the wound moist with the ointment - probably need to do this 2x a day until it is healed.

If you notice a foul smell, it would indicate an infection.

Hope your boy is better quickly!
Great thank you! Would gentian violet work in place of chlorhexidine? It's antispetic and I have it on hand
Make sure the the white looking thing about 3 o’clock in the picture is not a maggot larvae from flies laying eggs. Any wound or poopy butt can attract flies and can cause fly strike. Al’s vent pecking by the other chickens can be a problem when there is any red or wounds. Are there other roosters or cockerels, or are any other chickens bullying him or keeping him from food or water? A wire dog crate with food and water is a good place to separate them. Mites can be treated with permethrin garden dust or the spray. Mites hatch every 5-7 days, so treat at least twice at 7 days intervals.
Gentian violet which is a staining blue liquid that is antibacterial and antifungal can be used and may well help to prevent pecking. It is the blueing agent in BluKote.
Gentian violet which is a staining blue liquid that is antibacterial and antifungal can be used and may well help to prevent pecking. It is the blueing agent in BluKote.
Make sure the the white looking thing about 3 o’clock in the picture is not a maggot larvae from flies laying eggs. Any wound or poopy butt can attract flies and can cause fly strike. Al’s vent pecking by the other chickens can be a problem when there is any red or wounds. Are there other roosters or cockerels, or are any other chickens bullying him or keeping him from food or water? A wire dog crate with food and water is a good place to separate them. Mites can be treated with permethrin garden dust or the spray. Mites hatch every 5-7 days, so treat at least twice at 7 days intervals.
Make sure the the white looking thing about 3 o’clock in the picture is not a maggot larvae from flies laying eggs. Any wound or poopy butt can attract flies and can cause fly strike. Al’s vent pecking by the other chickens can be a problem when there is any red or wounds. Are there other roosters or cockerels, or are any other chickens bullying him or keeping him from food or water? A wire dog crate with food and water is a good place to separate them. Mites can be treated with permethrin garden dust or the spray. Mites hatch every 5-7 days, so treat at least twice at 7 days intervals.
Thank you for responding! I'll be sure to look into the white spot thing. There are no other roosters near him. I'm currently treating him for mites too! Should I apply the gentian violet everyday? Or every other day?
I would use it daily, or alternate days with the chlorhexidene. It should remain there coloring the wound blue with every other day, but every day is fine.
Great thank you! Would gentian violet work in place of chlorhexidine? It's antispetic and I have it on hand
I have never used that, so I can not speak to its efficacy, but the idea is to cleanse the @Eggcessive make sure that is not would be maggot on his vent and make sure to check that daily. Flystrike can come on pretty quickly and the results are quickly horrific.

Hopefully, he will heal quickly.
Sorry for such a late response but he's recovering well! No sign of flystrike and I have cleaned him from the mites. Thank you everyone!!

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