**Need a New Incubator, LG is being replaced LOL**


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
Bakersfield, CA
I currently have eggs in my LG, But due to the temp not keeping steady I have lost (so far) over half out of 41
. Can anyone suggest an Incubator that would or can keep control of the Temp & Humitity, so I dont have sit next to the LG 24/7 & keep adjusting the nob
. I want to purchase an incubator that would hold about 20-25 eggs with an egg turner, with forced air ?? Any suggestions
Yes! I have a LG also and I didn't like the fluctuation and lost my first hatch attempt... I lost all of them... so I purchased the HovaBator Genesis Egg Incubator 1588 & Turner Chicken! You can find some great deals on eBay. You do not have to adjust the temperature and it hold humidity VERY WELL. You will not be disappointed with this incubator. It is a forced air unit and you can get the automatic egg turner which will hold 41 eggs. It has a nice viewing window and is very easy to clean! Let me know if you have any more questions about this one or your LG one, I currently just had my LG one hatch 13/14 this last time, so they still do work!
That is what I am starting to think. After this hatch I am on, I have been think about okay how can I go about making my own. I am currently using the LG and the temp thing is driving me crazy. This will be my 4th hatch with it, the first time 7/8, second time 4/4, third 8/8 and I have 20 eggs set for this 4th one, but one minute you check it's all good, then go back 30 minutes later it too high. Yup driving me nuts, I don't think I will use it again after this time.
Yeah, LG isn't for everybody. And I'm NOT one of everybody else! I hate LG with a passion, and I don't care what anybody thinks about that. I am going to start calling them CBMs---Cry Baby Makers, cause it will make a
of you after you ruin enough eggs.
Some people get them to work and that is because they are just plain lucky. There is no scientific rhyme or reason to those suckers. I know, because I just lost all my eggs in one, and I was up day and night trying to keep that thing steady. Couldn't be done. Yeah, I'm new to hatching, but I wasn't born yesterday when it comes to understanding how stuff works. When I had the AUDACITY to sleep, the temps shot through the roof or dropped like a rock. Too many anti LGers to be coincidence. Not enough pro LGers to seriously justify them. One has to realize that the exception only helps to prove the rule.

Anyway, I'm ditching mine too. (I bet that surprises you, eh?
) I am working right now on two homemade incubators made from mini dorm fridges. I got all the stuff I need today to finish them up, but it will take me a day or so to get it done. I always have too many irons in the fire.
So far I have about 40 dollars in each one. If it works, AND THEY WILL when I am done, the cost of something that great compared to an LG that costs twice as much and does ten times less will be well worth it.

But if I could have afforded it, I would have bought a Rcom 20.

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