Need a pep talk!


Mar 16, 2022
Central Texas
Need a little pep talk. I've read numerous articles here about raising chicks in the coop from the day that I get them.

I have everything that I need and it's set up. I'm using a heating plate instead of the lamp like last time. Their area is secure and in a "see but no touch" setup. Temps here in central Texas are great. Why am I second guessing everything?? 😄

Chicks will be arriving Wednesday (10 Barred Rocks). I currently have 10 RIR hens (just turned a year).

I'm thinking that I need them in my house for 2-3 days at first. Ugh!!! 😂
Need a little pep talk. I've read numerous articles here about raising chicks in the coop from the day that I get them.

I have everything that I need and it's set up. I'm using a heating plate instead of the lamp like last time. Their area is secure and in a "see but no touch" setup. Temps here in central Texas are great. Why am I second guessing everything?? 😄

Chicks will be arriving Wednesday (10 Barred Rocks). I currently have 10 RIR hens (just turned a year).

I'm thinking that I need them in my house for 2-3 days at first. Ugh!!! 😂
Get a clear plastic tote and small heating pad so you can have a “play pen” and bring them indoors a bit. I have an outdoor setup, but I usually bring them in for a couple hours per day when they are still teeny so I can watch chicken tv on the sofa.

I put a “snack size” food and water on one end, heating pad on 4ED0429B-81F7-4D54-96E6-6D2ADEA07A53.jpeg the other end, and line the floor with paper towels. Super fun way to do a daily check in and enjoy them without all the mess. Only works for a week or two before they get too crazy 😂.
I don't bring chicks into the house any more, but I also don't have them shipped to me. It wouldn't hurt to have them inside a day or two if it makes you feel more confident about it. If these were my chicks though, they'd go straight into their outdoor brooder on arrival, but I would check in on them a few times during the day to see how they're doing.
This time I am picking them up and not getting them at the post office. Forecast changed to severe thunderstorms for the next couple of days. Probably be easier to keep them inside for those first couple days instead of trudging through storms to check on them. Plus I don't want them freaking out with that thunder noise in the coop and piling on each other.

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