Need a teacher for processing


9 Years
Jan 10, 2011
Durant, Oklahoma
Don't know where to post this:
I'm looking for someone to teach me how to process a chicken "hands on" or if you know of a processor near Durant, OK.
I've already read several books, watched many videos and tried once with an aggressive rooster, it didn't go well at all. I need someone who can actually work with me to do the processing.
Willing to pay a fee or trade for some of the birds.
Please send me a PM if interested.
There's many folks who post on this section from that area of the country. So I'll give you a ***bump*** so this post stays near the top for today...

Personally, I'm a bit far to come teach - but know this....most of us make errors and learn from our mistakes.
I thought I had a pretty good handle on it all - but I've misplaced my 'magic' pair of processing scissors and cannot find a replacement! I'm not sure I'll be able to cut the lower legs off without that pair of scissors! I've got just 6wks to find a replacement!
So please know, we all keep learning - that's the beauty of this forum!
I'm way too far away, but the link in my signature has been given some pretty good reviews as a how-to.

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