Need advice for new hen getting bullied

Dana g

In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2024
Hi. It’s been 7 weeks and my new pullet is still getting bullied by one of my hens. She gets along with the other two, but the alpha hen always pulls out the pullets feathers or blocks her from the food. I do have multiple feeders and waterers, but it’s still an issue. I let them free range most of the day, keep the new hen separated in a large crate in the run with the other hens so she can’t get hurt, but nothing seems to help. I even crated the problem hen for a day to give the new hen a break. Not sure what else to do.
You could try keeping the alpha hen in chicken jail for a few days, or maybe get her some pinless peepers. They obstruct the hen's line of sight so she can't see her victim as easily (but she can still go about her business). I tried them and while they didn't end the bullying, they reduced it enough where the bullied hen was able to grow her feathers back. You can find pinless peepers on ebay or on the Murray McMurray website here:
You could try keeping the alpha hen in chicken jail for a few days, or maybe get her some pinless peepers. They obstruct the hen's line of sight so she can't see her victim as easily (but she can still go about her business). I tried them and while they didn't end the bullying, they reduced it enough where the bullied hen was able to grow her feathers back. You can find pinless peepers on ebay or on the Murray McMurray website here:
Thank you!
You could try keeping the alpha hen in chicken jail for a few days, or maybe get her some pinless peepers. They obstruct the hen's line of sight so she can't see her victim as easily (but she can still go about her business). I tried them and while they didn't end the bullying, they reduced it enough where the bullied hen was able to grow her feathers back. You can find pinless peepers on ebay or on the Murray McMurray website here:
I wanted to thank you @Evadig, the pinless peepers worked! They are all happy and getting along now. I really appreciate the advice you gave me. ~Dana

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