Need Advice on Broody Hen Sitting on Eggs

I'm not telling you what i think you should do. That being said. ..i didn't look and 3 of my 8 died partway out of the shell. I'm very grateful for the 5 i have, but totally wish i had looked, just to see. I love my chicks like my kids. Though i don't eat the kids, lol. I feel like its my fault .
I opened up the door to the crate she is in to see if she wanted out,, she came a few minutes later and I actually ran outside to her pen inside the coop to take a look, another hen was just fixing to sit on the showgirls eggs, anyhow, I looked, none have hatched, I put each up to my ear, heard nothing, came back inside and took out 3 eggs from my incubator that were chirping, not hatched yet, put them in the nest box with the showgirls eggs, then went and got the showgirl, put her near her cage, she heard the chirping and immediately rant to sit on the eggs with such excitement, it was wild.

I had not candled any of the eggs the showgirl has been sitting on, I didn't even think about it at all. Maybe I should? If for reason she gets off and tends to the 3 babies I just gave her, I can always put her 7 eggs in my incubator to finish up?

Sorry for blurry pics, so this is my Precious Showgirl,,, currently laying on 6 newly hatched babies without egg shells and 5 Pipped/Zipping eggs,,

I have food and water for her,, what else do I need to do for her? She is on the floor in the chicken coop in a large dog crate,,,,, Today is Day 1 of hatched eggs,,, do I need to check under her and remove empty shells? Do I need to get babies out from under her and show them the food and water?

Sorry, no only am I new to this, but this is my Precious's first hatch so she is new to being a mama as well,,,
Awww so sweet. I would say you can go for shells tmrw. As far as food and water they take the yolks into themselves and they can n will live on them for a few days. That's how they ship them without food n water. . Even a new momma will know what to do. It's instinct. And silkies are the best mommas. If you go after empty shells i wouls n9t lift her up. The babies hide under wings and in feathers. To drop one now means certain death for your poor peep. Lift her edge and feel VERY VERY CAREFULLY for eggs. I mean extremely careful. She will come off the nest about a full day after the last peep comes out of shell. I know how very hard it is to wait.
Awww so sweet. I would say you can go for shells tmrw. As far as food and water they take the yolks into themselves and they can n will live on them for a few days. That's how they ship them without food n water. . Even a new momma will know what to do. It's instinct. And silkies are the best mommas. If you go after empty shells i wouls n9t lift her up. The babies hide under wings and in feathers. To drop one now means certain death for your poor peep. Lift her edge and feel VERY VERY CAREFULLY for eggs. I mean extremely careful. She will come off the nest about a full day after the last peep comes out of shell. I know how very hard it is to wait.
Ahh, thank u so much,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Most welcome. On a funny note, my broody hatched 5 eggs yesterday, today she wants out i let her out to roam yard. She comes back attacks the babies anytime they come near so i let her back out. She wont raise the babies she hatched but goes to coop and sits on 8 new eggs..... i mean wth?
I had a first time mom do that last year, tried to kill the chick after it hatched, she just wanted to sit too. I let her go back to sitting on nothing and gave the chick to an experienced broody. They don't always know what to do, they are just following instinct.
This isnt her first. She was given to me with 10 chicks this past July. Joe(guy who gave her to me) told me it was her third clutch back to back. Is it ok top let her sit or is she going to kill herself?

Can you see this rotten thing in the feeder eating? Its fat fluffy butts going to get stuck

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