Need advice, please. Constant wheeze, odd cluck (cough?)


10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
Tamms, IL
I appreciate any and all advice that can be given. We have no local vets (an hours drive is closest, and he is not real familiar with treating chickens) and in our area about the only resources we have are liquor stores and churches. I don't think either of those could offer me any helpful advice.

The background information on my Warrior:
1. She is a six month old Red Production pullet. She has been laying eggs for about a month now. She usually lays a small egg every other day.
2. I have five other chickens, all the same age. 3 more Red Production pullets and 2 Ideal 236.
3. All of my birds are healthy. No lice. Eat and drink well. They all free- range in my yard from sun up to sun down. At sun down they go to bed in their hen house where they are secured for the night.The hen house is our shed, re-designed for them. The floor is concrete- we merely sweep the poop up every day and use some stall dry if needed. We use shredded paper in their nest boxes. They are fed layer food that we purchase from Bucheit. The food is good- not moldy, etc. We keep a bowl of oyster shells out for them and they eat them whenever they want to.

Warrior's problem began yesterday morning. Up until then, she seemed perfectly fine and was very active. She laid an egg yesterday morning. After a couple of hours of being out in the yard, we heard an odd noise that sounded like a low moan. We thought something was wrong with our old cat so we went out to look. It was Warrior making the noise. She was just walking around, making this constant low moaning sound. Every now and then she would crane her neck up and make an odd, short, clucking sound. We examined her carefully and could see nothing out of place. No diarrhea. Her eyes were bright and clear. She looked fine. Nothing swollen anywhere. For lack of anything else to do, I gave her a few drops of oil (I didn't have mineral oil so I used cooking oil) and massaged her throat. I know nothing about crops, but I thought perhaps it was a crop problem. She did not have a big lump or anything there. I was just grasping at straws and decided to try a bit of oil.

Last night, the constant sound continued, even after they had gone in for the night. Today she is still making that sound. She still makes an odd cluck that now sounds a bit more like a cough, but not very often. She is not nearly as active. I am not sure if she is eating or drinking- I do not have her separated from the others yet and I just haven't had the time to stand out there and watch her. She seems to be spending most of her time in the seat of the lawnmower (her favorite spot).

Her rear end is clean. Her eyes are still bright and there is no discharge of any kind. I have noticed that her comb now has some black on it. I am pretty sure she didn't used to have black on her comb, but I really couldn't swear to it. None of the other girls have black on their combs.

I am at a loss as to what this could be or how to treat it. It appeared so suddenly that I really thought perhaps she had eaten something that got stuck in her crop. My birds live secluded lives- no new birds have been added, etc.

I appreciate any and all advice. I am completely new to chickens and this is the first illness I have encountered. Warrior's picture is below (I took it today), and I have also posted a link to a couple of videos that I uploaded to You Tube. Within the first few seconds of one of the videos you hear the odd "cough" that she makes, and in the other video you can see her breathing and hear the noise she is making. This is my first time posting a picture or video links; I hope I have done it correctly.


You Tube links:

Thanks for any and all help!

An update:

Warrior laid her egg today, just as usual. She is drinking, but she refused a grape (one of her favorite treats) so I am not sure if she is eating. She is out and about, moving around in the yard. Still making the same sounds. I gave her a few more drops of oil and massaged her neck, just in case that might help.

Any ideas? I appreciate any help and advice.
Another update:

Warrior seems much better today. She is perkier, and seems "cheerful". Today she is back to doing this odd neck-stretching/shake head thing and emits this really strange cluck. That's the way all of this started.

Does anyone at all have any ideas or suggestions? Maybe I have posted this in the wrong forum..I am sorry if I have, since it is not a disease or injury.


Whatever happened with Warrier?

My Bantam Cochin is acting slightly off today...her clucks are different sounding too. Just lower pitched...She's eating and drinking, and pooing...but she's not herself for sure. This is day 1....this morning, she was absolutely fine!

Whatever happened with Warrier?

My Bantam Cochin is acting slightly off today...her clucks are different sounding too. Just lower pitched...She's eating and drinking, and pooing...but she's not herself for sure. This is day 1....this morning, she was absolutely fine!

Well how is your girl doing? My girl starting an odd clucking sound today so on here trying to figure out what it could be:/

Respiratory infection!

My 2nd girl started showing signs the next morning, so i ran down and grabbed some VetRX, and made an appt. w our Aviary.

He gave us 10 days of Baytril, and it cleared them right up!


I think it was the overnight transition to Winter....literally highs from 40° to 15°, overnight!

Its been a rough Winter for everyone!

Warrier is better?

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