Need advice please! - Vent Gleet -

Boiled Octopus

8 Years
Feb 9, 2012
Wiltshire, UK
One of my Dutch Bantams has developed a slight prolapsed vent and has thick, sticky white coming out of her behind. From what I understand this is urates?

I have taken her to where I got her from for a diagnosis to see if she is egg-bound and doesn't seem to be. She seems to be wanting to squeeze something out all the time, but nothing really comes out apart from the occassional poop. I have been cleaning her daily in warm soapy water to clear the gloop from her vent (also used a syringe as a quirting device) and noticed that there may be worms involved, so have wormed her and the whole flock. Also tried the oil around the prolapse to ease whatever the blockage might be, to no avail

She seems to be eating and drinking normally, is perky, bright-eyed, and certianly runs fast when I try and catch her for her bath time. This has been going on for about 4 days now and there doesn't seem to be any improvement. She keeps trying to preen herself at the back, but because it's so messy she just ends up getting her beak covered in 'matter'! She doesn't hang around with my other bantams as much as she used to.

Any suggestions as to what else I can do, as I am at total loss?!
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Does the discharge smell like poop or does it smell sweet-ish? She could have vent gleet.
Yuck. She has vent gleet. She is going to need to go on an antifungal agent. She likely has yeast overgrowth throughout the entire GI system so she will need to go on a systemic antifungal agent. She is either going to need Nystatin or Miconazole. Nystatin can usually only be acquired through a vet, unless you happen to know someone who recently had thrush. Miconazole can be bought OTC at a drug store. It is marketed as a treatment for women's vaginal yeast infections.
Thank you CMV for your help.

It looks like Miconazole is much more readily available. Do I need to do this orally or just use a cream version and put it on her vent?

I also have Daktarin Gold which is a cream with an active ingredient called Ketoconazole which is also supposed to be a good alternative?
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She will need to take it orally. And you can also put some in and around her vent. It should start to ease her vent redness and irritation immediately.

I am not familiar with the other product.

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