Need advice with geese


5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
Tallahassee Fl
Hello everyone it's been a while since I've been on here but I'm in need for some advice. I have three geese one female embden and one male and one female brown Chinese goose. I have raised them with chickens since they were babies and they have always slept in the coop at night and I would let them out to free range during the day. One night last November I had some coyotes get in to the coop and kill several chickens well that night my three geese disappeared so in the morning I thought something had gotten them too. I looked all over for them but found nothing. I thought this was weird since I found no feathers from them. Well months go by and my father calls me and says he hears my geese at the neighbors house. I quickly drive over to investigate. Apparently the neighbors across the road have a pond behind the house and they have been living there. The man was nice and let me take them home. My question is how can I get them to stay I'm my yard like they had used to do. My father had forgotten to not let them out of the covered part of the coop today and when I got back the embden had flown out of the chickens run fence wich is five feet tall and went back across the road to the neighbors. How long do I need to keep them them penned up before they stop running to the neighbors? Btw the enclosure for them is open with only a covered roof (no solid walls only wire on the sides) so they have plenty of ventalation. I was thinking about bringing them to my mother's (who lives about a mile away) she has a large lake they would like. But again how do I keep them from running away and me never seeing them again? Thanks in advance. -sorry for the punctuation typing this on my phone lol.
Maybe you could get them a small pool so they fulfill that need to swim in your yard and not the neighbors. I have two long narrow stock tanks for my 4 girls and when theyre filled and available to them they stay by the house and dont stray to our pond.
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