Need advice..


7 Years
Nov 28, 2012
I have a 12 wk old Rhodebar who was acting extremely lethargic, not eating, drinking or even opening her eyes, hiding in coop etc,,,, I posted here and some friendly folks helped me diagnose coccidia. I got my hands on some Corid and treated her and the rest of my small flock. I kept her in isolation and within a day or two she begain to show improvement. She is eating, drinking, moving around and chirping a little. I would say she is 50-75% better. I put her back in with her flockmates and 2 things happened.
1)She moves slowly and seems a bit disoriented and
2) the other birds now bully her......what now?
Does anyone have any help they can offer? Should she be back in quarantine? (I can keep her separated from the others and still have her in the coop)Is this still coccidia? Is there something else going on? All of my other birds are seemily heathy. Thank you for reading.
i would suggest to keep her alone and slowly introduce them again by putting wire in between them

Do you think she is still sick? If so, I will put her back in the garage-if not I can isolate her in her own part of the coop...

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