
In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 14, 2014
I got really attached to my chickens named them and learned their personalities. Today my dad came in and said there was a hawk outside. Sure enough, One of my chickens was taken. Except it didn't seem like a hawk killed her. More like a raccoon or coyote. But it was at three in the afternoon! Please give me advice because I cannot have this happen again. I can't lose another one of my babies!!!:(
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sorry for your loss

are your birds free range?

and roosters are not entirely necessary but there helpful in sounding an alarm and distracting.. at least mine is :p
Yes they r free range and I'm getting a rooster today actually! A 5 month old Rhode Island Red like the rest of my girls! I'm so anxious for him to get here! His name is roadrunner
I got a rooster yesterday but as my dad went to put him in the coop he flew away and never came back!:( my brothers and I looked all mornin and even took the tracking dog but no trace of him:(
Wow! I hav pretty good luck! My dad got a rooster and the old one came back when we got the new one!:)
Wow! I hav pretty good luck! My dad got a rooster and the old one came back when we got the new one!

Your old rooster likely was out gallivanting about looking for lonely hens when he heard the new rooster crow. The old rooster then decided he better stick closer to the coop or risk loosing the hens he already had.

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