Need age of leghorn pullets, please help.


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2015
What age do you think these two pullets are? I'm fairly confident that I have white leghorn pullets, I just need to know their age. I've had them for 57 days. They were chicks when I purchased them. And when I purchased them, their exact age was unknown.

Also, when should I start expecting eggs for this breed? Age 16 weeks or so?



They look to be somewhere between 2 and 3 months. It's unlikely (although not impossible) that you'll get any eggs from them before 18 weeks and it could be anywhere from 20-24 weeks.
Thank you all so much! So, they aren't quite halfway to egg-laying age. I don't know if this helps or not, but they still chirp like chicks....what age will that change to hen clucking? Or does that vary by bird? I love them so! I want them to lay eggs one day, but also don't want them to grow up too quickly. They are my feather babies and I don't want to be an
They are pretty quiet. Soft clucking. They are very "bossy" though. I have 50 other chickens and they are the most curious. Almost nuisance-like most times. Haha

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