need answer fast! on hatching eggs..


16 Years
Aug 8, 2007
halifax co. north carolina
hi, i had 2 broody's, one of the broodys eggs all hatched, so she took her chicks out of the nest, ....well the other one, got off the nest also, but the eggs did not hatch......yet, now this happened on friday the 26th, so i go out there now and i was gonna get the eggs & discard them, but the eggs are tring to hatch! do i help them or not, i dont know what to do
I'm no expert but if it's warm enough where you are for them to still be hatching, after being without the hen, then I think that they may hatch just the same as if you had used an incubator. Do you have a brooder ready for them in case they do hatch or maybe the other hen will take them?

Now I wonder about the 3 eggs that my hen left in the nest, this morning, without hactching
. Three hatched and 3 didn't, so I was going to break them open to see what's in there. I don't hear any peeping.

Let us know if they hatch.
ok thank you , the hen should take them, i hope! the eggs are chirping, 1 has a small break in the shell, the other has almost broke in half, but not loose enough for me to pull it open , so i shouldnt try to get them out?
Hi! What Danny said might work if you get her back toward the nest quickly.

If not, you have no choice but rig up a hatcher.
101.5 degrees at egg height and moist towells to get humidity up (a box with a shop-light if nothing else is available).
Good Luck!
ok, i went back out there, one of the eggs had hatched, baby was alive, but kind of listless, so the other hen with chicks was sitting on her chicks, so i put the baby under her, yes!!! that worked, baby is fine
, so i was worried about the other eggs, but the other hen went back & set on them, thank goodness!!........................................i need a zanax

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