need answers on chicken questions? get nearly all your chicken questions answered right here right n

Your right it could be any number of things so expieriment with solutions and give it time they'll be ok.:rolleyes:
Yah that amount of space sounds good for about 13 hens and about 1 or 2 roosters maybe more. Remember more chickens means more responsiblity I learned that the hard way stick to what you have for now then get more somewhere down the line
thank you so much! I am waiting for a while, we were just wondering!
N.P. (no problem) that's why I created this thread, to help people with their chicken problems, answer questions. And post ur favorite pictures of ur flock
ps send photos of your flock. Can't wait for your reply
Thanks bye! ;)
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N.P. (no problem) that's why I created this thread, to help people with there chicken problems, answer questions. And post ur favorite pictures of ur flock
ps send photos of your flock. Can't wait for your reply
Thanks bye!
welcome, lol there will be a ton of pics! here! (sorry there is like 50! lol

OMG!!! the buff orphington and the barred rock look exactly like my young rooster boyde and my young hen corina. LOL :lol:
OMG!!! the buff orphington and the barred rock look exactly like my young rooster boyde and my young hen corina. LOL
lol! which looks like which? is the buff orp like the roo and the barred rock like the hen?

LOL i love all the same breed chickens!
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Is the 5th one from the bottom a Leghorn because she looks exactly like my hen Domo!
Such good memories. :)
The buff orphington is boyde and the barred rock corina.
Eeeeee!!!! :D

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