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Is that a light brahma? Because I a pet brahma named Stella. I love brahmas their sooo friendly, and cute to?
Quote: Ugh, I've heard soo many stories of terrible BR roos.... Not sure if I'd ever get one.

Really you can't predict a rooster. Cochins, polish, (pekins are the same thing as a cochin) are both very docile calm breeds and a rooster out of those would be good. A wyandotte rooster might be good, just if he starts to question you he would do more damage. Honestly I wouldn't handraise a rooster. You can but since your girls are grown once hes around 3 weeks he can probably live with them, and the girls will make a FINE rooster! They will discipline him, and teach him that humans are good, etc etc. Roosters raised around full grown hens make the best roos ever because they are disciplined!

I'm lettting my chickens free-range for the whole day today to see how it works out, think it's a good idea? (the neighbors cats haven't been out lately)
Tell your neighbors you have chickens, they are worth $10 each (random number, XD) and if any of there cats kill them, they will owe you $10. Thats what I'd do, IMO
Yah that amount of space sounds good for about 13 hens and about 1 or 2 roosters maybe more. Remember more chickens means more responsiblity I learned that the hard way stick to what you have for now then get more somewhere down the line
I would never recomend more then 2 roosters in one area... They will fight, evem with a bucnh of hens because they will come in contact because they have favorite hens so they will eventully fight. You can 3 roosters in some cases, more even if they grew up together, but otherwise, no.

And are rumpless. If you got them from a hatchery then there EEs. So you have 2 EEs I'd guess, but there beautiful!
I have a question, i have 9 bantams all of which i hand-raised, and i love them dearly.
I have a lavender pekin, a mottled pekin, a ginger pekin, a blue crested polish, a goldlaced polish, a silverlaced polish, a cuckoo maran, a silverlaced wyandotte, a goldlaced orpington.

I am moving and i can now finally have a cockeral, now i want to handraise it so it is friendly, but i am unsure what breed, i was thinking silkie..??
Cant wait to hear you answer, cos i have no clue!!

Honestly, I wouldn't "handraise" it like I think you're thinking. Trust me, I've tried it so many times (it was an "experiment"), it doesn't change anything: Roosters I handled a lot as chicks are way more aggressive than ones that weren't handled as much. Really, the ones I never touched as chicks are pretty friendly and very calm and never attack. The ones I handled all the time are little monsters.

I do like Phoenix roos. I really liked all of my boys. I never handled them as chicks but they were calm and kept order well. But, my point is, just let them be. Don't try to handle friendliness into them. I've had it work a few times, but not for all the times it didn't. Just sayin.
Quote: Our rooster is a dream, and he was nearly handraised, haha.
How many chicks did you try?

About 20-25. I've been trying to figure it out for 3 years. It does depend on the rooster too, but I've only had a few that it ever worked with. I currently have 11 full grown roosters, and 3 were handraised. 2 are aggressive, one is a sweetie.

It seems like about puberty a switch goes off. One of the aggressive ones actually loves being handled, and is really friendly, but he will attack me first.

I wasn't trying to say that it always goes one way or the other. It's just something I've noticed in general. :)
Some of my chickens toenails seem to be way to long and some of them turn in toward there toes and it looks painful should I cut there toenails? And if so how do I? :)

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