Need breed identification help!

Just for comparison purposes. Here is my EE roo as a chick, then my asian, then their chick. You can see almost nothing of her mom in her at all.
From personal experience EE mixes keep you guessing. They are hard to sex because they take on a random collage of traits from each parent. Those beautiful red hens look nearly identical. So i don't know. It is possible. I know my EE with both EE parents has her own color pattern. She is darker brown than her mother and took on some of her fathers black but no grey. So... :idunno:th
From personal experience EE mixes keep you guessing. They are hard to sex because they take on a random collage of traits from each parent. Those beautiful red hens look nearly identical. So i don't know. It is possible. I know my EE with both EE parents has her own color pattern. She is darker brown than her mother and took on some of her fathers black but no grey. So... :idunno:th
They’ve always looked almost identical. They have very little differences in markings. When they were chicks the only way I could tell was one was slightly a shade darker

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