need duck nesting boxes

ducks and geese

In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 8, 2013
I would like to know what you use for duck nesting boxes. please send pics i need to know what some people use because my ducks have started laying.

My experience has been that ducks don't necessarily need nesting boxes. I've had some make a nest right in the middle of the coop.
That said, when I built the coop I put in a 12x12x12" nesting box off the side and they do use it. I'm sure others will have pics - mine is just a basic chicken nesting box.
I'm very new to laying ducks so take this with a grain of salt. I used an open top wood box that the ducks did use however all of the ducks would visit the box and the eggs would get covered in poop. I have recently switched to a 5 gallon bucket on its side with a piece of wood screwed into the bottom rim of the bucket to hold in shavings. My two laying ducks (a welsh harlequin and a black cayuga) both used it this morning. The eggs were clean. I hope they keep using it. I figured after several days of them not using the bucket that they were too big to fit in it. They proved me wrong. I've heard that milk crates can be used as well on their side. Just fasten a lip to the bottom to hold in shavings.

From what I have read on here many folks do not bother with nesting boxes as their ducks didn't use them. They would just lay the egg where they were at that time (kind of like my quail). I like the idea of the nesting box. I used golf balls in both boxes to convince the ducks to lay there. I had them in the old nest box a few weeks in advance of when I thought they were going to start laying.

Good luck.


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