Need good chicken breeds ideas for starters.

Chicken Chiquita

Animal obsessed :)
Feb 11, 2020
So, i know someone who has decided to get chickens, and needs some good breed ideas that are good layers, hardy, good for beginners, and kid-friendly.
I suggested a few but would like your input.
Please put the good qualities about the chicken breed in your post too.
My first flock and only flock so far look like Rhode Island Reds. I don't know if it's because we didn't handle them a lot as chicks, but they don't seem to care for being held and are not too snuggly. That being said, they are not mean. I have two small children under the age of 6 and the chickens do not peck at them or hurt them. They love staying nearby us while we are out in the yard. None of them mind being reached under to get eggs out of the nesting box.

They are wonderful layers, all of them lay most days. I have 4 chickens, all of them RIR's and it is not uncommon I end up with 2 dozen eggs by the end of the week. Their eggs are a good size, too! Look like jumbo sized and they are just turning a year old.

They seem pretty hardy. Our summers can reach 100F and winters about 20F. However, it seems like they enjoy the cooler days best - anything between 40-60F seems perfect for them. In the summer, I had to be careful because it seemed that they were overheating and I had to take extra measures to keep them cool (ice blocks/packs, making extra shade, misting them down with the hose, etc.) Thankfully we haven't had any major illnesses with these bird. We have treated badly pecked chickens with Blu-Kote. Otherwise, they are usually happy and healthy!

This is my first flock and I will have to say they are pretty easy going chickens. We had a pecking issue, but it isn't severe since we changed them over to a bigger coop.
My personal favorite is buff orpingtons. I've never had friendlier birds than my buff orpingtons. They lay nicely and they're cold hardy.. My cochins have been friendly too, and I like them for the same reasons, and silkies are very sweet and soft.

I might also suggest easter eggers. I have some now, and I had some when I was a child. I would get excited about the different colored eggs. I'd always suggest easter eggers for kids. Most of my easter eggers have been pretty friendly too. :)
The most chilled-out and calm birds we have had have been Salmon Faverolles. TheY just don’t freak out and they tolerate handling well. We’ve had SF from two very different sources and both sources were the same temperament.

we currently have Buff Orp chicks that are 4 weeks old. Can’t say much about their personality yet, but it is very consistent BYC that Buff Orps are calm and friendly and good layers.

Our Easter Eggers (Americanas) have been good too. Overall friendly and tolerant and pretty calm. We had one fearful/flighty one, but the rest have been kid-friendly and good layers. A plus is the varied egg colors, and various colors/appearances.
You will get many different recommendations. Everyone is different and will have different preferences. I assume your friend is either going to get chicks from a hatchery or feed store. My suggestion is to get what they want. They can always make changes down the road.
Here are some good sites about the different breeds of chickens. I hope these will help. Good luck and have fun...
Henderson's Handy-Dandy Chicken Chart
My Pet Chicken
You will get many different recommendations. Everyone is different and will have different preferences. I assume your friend is either going to get chicks from a hatchery or feed store. My suggestion is to get what they want. They can always make changes down the road.
Here are some good sites about the different breeds of chickens. I hope these will help. Good luck and have fun...
Henderson's Handy-Dandy Chicken Chart
My Pet Chicken
Disposable chickens. If we do not like, then replace.

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