need hatch buddie for 8/27/09!


10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
stumptown CA
i have currently 8 rir eggs under my broody banty.hehe.i put them under her on the 6th and we're expecting on the 27th. i need hatch buddies so if anyone else is hatching august 27 tell me!!yay!
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i have 24 light brahma eggs due the 25th i cant wait. i have 4 of 14 that started cracking today yea i want to help so bad. but the bator is on lockdown. l.o.l. will have to look tommorow evening. hopefuly they will be running around..
I have some Golden Lakenvelders and a few EE's dth on the 26th and Buff Rocks and a few EE's dth on the 28th. They are the last of the incubating eggs at the moment.
27 light brahma hatching the 25th. 8 out of 14 shipped eggs are a day old now, hoping for the other 5,one died. more lb,s hatching the 14th 21 of them. happy hatching:)
I just put 6 eggs under my very first broody Silkie.
I'm so excited I can't stand it.
I guess they'll be due around the 31st or 1st... I grabbed the eggs out of the egg carton that were laid today and they'll be different mixes. I used Buff Orp, Easter Egger, Leghorn and Silkie eggs. The possible Baby Daddies are a Rhode Island Red, a Sizzle and a Silkie....

I sure hope everything goes well, I've never hatched eggs before, and Sammie is very young. The good thing is, it's so hot here that the eggs could incubate themselves...even if she gets up, they won't cool down...LOL.

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